March Newsletter

Hello Spring!!! We are so excited for what this season has in store for the studio and our dance family!


This month, our focus will be Loyalty. Loyalty to one's self, loyalty to your team, supporting your friends & family members, and sticking to your commitments and goals. As we strive to teach children more than just great dancing, this is a key character trait for them to learn and apply. 

It is our goal over the next couple months to show dancers and parents how dance can help children achieve any goal they have for their future. We have many pathways at Expressions, and we want to help you select the right one for your unique child!


New classes are being added and spots are opening in classes for ALL ages! If your dream class is full, call or email us to put your child on a waitlist today!













A Time to Dance- Spring 2021 Recital

Spring Recital will be held between June 17,18,19, 2021! Because of the pandemic, our official plans for the show will not be released until the middle of May. However, we can officially tell you that we have booked two possible venues for these dates, and the show WILL go on!

What you can do now to prepare:

If you signed up your child to perform with us in June, their costumes are either already here (If ordered back in November) or the costumes are on their way to us (if you waited until January). Those who have just recently joined our dance family, we are checking to make sure your class's costume is still available to order from the costume companies, and we will let you know on an individual basis if we are able to procure the costume so your child can have the opportunity to perform with their class on stage. When you receive your costume(s), it is important to try it on as soon as you get it home. If the costume does not fit, or you believe it will not fit in a few months, please bring the entire costume back to the studio the next day, so we can exchange it for the proper size.

What you can look forward to:

There will be a professional photo opportunity this season for your dancers in their costume! We are working with our photographer to find the best way for this to be safely incorporated, and when would be the most efficient date to hold them. Please keep an eye on your weekly Friday emails, as more important details are determined regarding photos!

Soon, it will be time to order your VIP packages, with all your recital day extras: T-Shirts, Teddy Bears, Flowers, and MORE! Just a reminder that there are not extras of these items to purchase on the day of the recital. So please watch your weekly emails for more information on when and how to order these memories for your child!

Spring Break March 22-27th - No classes will be held during this week

Please remember our Safer Studio Protocols. If you travel, have close contact with a positive case, or have symptoms, please stay home and enjoy class virtually, thanks to our Tech-Enabled Studios!

1970s Themed Express Yourself Week - March 29-April 3