
2023 Spring Recital

"Explore the Possibilities"

June 10th at The Joan Kroc Theatre

June 17th at The Magnolia Theater


Current Families: More information that pertains to your dancer, as well as forms, practice videos, and more is available in the new Dance Family HUB!


Show assignments

Please see your email or the Dance Family HUB

Extra Performance Opportunities:

Some classes will have the opportunity to perform at community events, in addition to the big Spring Recital. Expressions' Classes will perform at the Santee Street Fair in May and the San Diego County Fair at the end of June.

Recital Costumes:

Costumes are being sent home as we receive them. Your dancer's class may have already received their costumes, or the costumes may still be on their way from the costume companies. Please follow the instructions on the form inside the costume garment bag when you receive the costume.


Tickets will go on sale May 9th: Purchase Tickets Here